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Gongo Village has a water system

With the help of a very generous donation from friends in Ireland, our charity - Tuende Pamoja - has now change the lives of the people of Gongo village, near Matipwili in the Bagamoyo District.  This little village is totally landlocked with no water supply at all, until now when we have been able to install a pump and a generator so that water is now available to everyone in Gongo.

No longer do they have to walk or cycle 6 kilometres to a marshy puddle to get water for drinking, washing clothes and bathing....they now go to the pump and merely turn on a tap to fill their buckets!!

The community are to be congratulated and can be really proud of their achievement....they designed the project and have built it without exceeding their budget...and the project is a success....water is available in quantity for all to enjoy for a small payment per bucket.